duration: 55 minutes

Frances-Marie Uitti: cello
Marlena Novak: video
Michael Bancroft: text

Excerpted from Thresholds performance brochure; written by Michael Bancroft:

The collaboration combines sound (Frances-Marie Uitti has originated a unique performance method for the playing of the cello with two bows in one hand), voice and text (the prose-poetry of Michael Bancroft) and the computer-generated videos of Marlena Novak.

As Novak has stated, “These qualities function on both optical and conceptual levels which are able to suggest topographic resonances; a field, an ocean, an architectural grid, a contemplative space, an inner center or region of discourse.” All of this engages the perceptual processes in the movement between explicit reference to the external world and that kind of experience born of fragility in perception: this is the departure for the common source of our collaboration.

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